The Many Benefits of Medical Marijuana
One of the uses of medical marijuana is for the treatment of chronic pain. People who take medical marijuana usually use it for chronic pain.
Medical marijuana can help with muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis. Every type of muscle spasms respond well to medical marijuana. With medical marijuana, people get relief from diaphragm spams which cannot be done with other prescribed medications.
Taking medical marijuana improves lung capacity. Tobcco users hurt their lungs over time but medical marijuana users increase the capacity of their lungs. If you use marijuana then you are less likely to have cancers associated with smoking.
Glaucoma can be treated with medical marijuana. When marijuana is taken, the pressure from the eye is decreased. However medical marijuana cannot be a long term treatment for glaucoma since it is only a few hours that the pressure in the eye is lowered.
Epileptic seizures can be controlled with the use of medical marijuana. Many parents have reported that the only thing that has helped control their children’s seizure is medical marijuana.
Seizures and severe developmental delays are caused by Dravet syndrome. It has been shown that medical marijuana can decrease seizures associated with Dravet syndrome. The cannabidiol in the plant is said to interact with brain cells to lessen the excessive activity in the brain that causes the seizures.
There is a chemical found in marijuana that is said to stop cancer cells from spreading. At the right dose, THC and CBD can slow or shrink tumors. And marijuana can significantly slow the growth of brain tumor which is associated with malignant brain cancer in people.
Anxiety can be treated with low does of medical marijuana. if you take THC at low doses then stress can be reduced but not with high doses.
THC may slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The formation of amyloid plaques which kill brain cells and are associated with Alzheimer’s, is slowed down by THC by blocking the enzyme in the brain that makes them.
Medical marijuana can be taken to reduce the pain associated with multiple sclerosis. Other treatments for pain for multiple sclerosis patients proved ineffective but a few time smoking marijuana helps lessen the pain. When the receptors in the nerves and muscles is bound by THC, pain is relieved.
Marijuana lessens the side effects of treating Hepatitis C and increase the effectiveness of the treatment. People who are being treated for Hepatitis C experience side effects such as nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle aches, and depression. With these side effects lasting for months, most patients discontinue their treatment. Pateints who smoked marijuana were able to cope with the side effects that made them complete their hepatitis C treatment. This is due to marijuana’s ability to lessen the side effects of the treatment.