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Benefits of Joining a Naval Association

As a retired navy officer, either crew member, plank owner, or a decommissioning crew, there are times when you miss to be reunited with the crew members that you worked with. When you take your time and reminiscence of your time in the navy, how you offered your service to the country and how you enjoyed working in the navy while being commissioned in a ship for defensive purposes or to help other ships that are in the same mission as you. All this can bring a lot of memories that you would want to experience again. It has a sense of overwhelming joy wherever you think about the breathtaking moments while serving in the navy. While some ships have associations, it’s important as a retired officer or anyone who was once in any ship that they worked hand in hand with their fellow mates to look for a naval association that they will join. Many benefits come with joining a naval association. The following article summarizes some of the benefits that come with joining such an association.

You get to meet some of your old friends and workmates. Once you get to work with the people, you become friends and you no longer view them as workmates but brothers. Since you served in the most dangerous waters together you get to miss them. Joining the naval association will help you in reaching out to some of them. Some reunions are made yearly where the crew members get to meet and reminiscence of the things that they did when they were offering their services to the country and how they lived together as a family and going out into the sea for many days. Joining a naval association will make it easy for you to meet the old crew members that you worked with.

A naval association will offer a platform where you can show respect and remembrance of the fallen soldiers who stood strong in serving their country. While there are crewmen who you worked with, all working with honor and valor as the best shipmates that we had. This naval association can be a good place that you can offer memorial services to the fallen brothers. The naval association associations should help in recalling the good memories that you had of the fellow shipmates. And therefore in any reunion there has to be a session of remembrance of such soldiers.

There are naval associations that run stores that you can buy gadgets and souvenirs at a cheap price. If you are looking for a place to buy military gifts either souvenirs to gift somebody or something that you want to keep for yourself, joining a naval association that has an online store will help you in accessing some of the best gifts from the shop that you can buy anything that you need. This can range from hats and cups embedded with the navy seal logo. To summarize. Those are the benefits of a naval association.

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