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A Linguistic Degree Can Land You the Following Careers

Linguistics is the science of language that involves the formal study of grammar, syntax, phonetics, and breaks down the relationship between sound and meaning. A linguistic degree is a versatile qualification to graduate with meaning there are plenty of careers out there one could take up. A linguistic graduate will have a wide area of an option of careers to choose from with some including the following.

One can work in the Language services for big international companies that are into commerce or are involved in tech as well as government agencies. For example, working as an interpreter to enable two people speaking different languages to understand each other and also as a translator translating legal documents and written communication. One could go as far as working for a publishing or production house translating works of fiction into non-fiction, creating subtitles for foreign films among others. We have also seen the creation of whole new languages in popular movies and television shows. You could also work as a speech therapist. Speech therapists work in the treatment of speech-related problems such as aphasia, apraxia, and dysarthria. They go as far as working with young kids struggling with autism disorders, hearing loss, or have an issue in their developmental progress. The speech therapist can work in care homes, autism centers, hospitals, or NGOs. They can also be employed in school institutions to support students with communication issues.

You could also go as far as working for the intelligence agencies such as the FBI or CIA who are regularly on the lookout for top linguistic professionals. Helping them identify potential threats or assist in negotiations all while making sure the public is protected. The government could also pick you up to work in the foreign embassies helping them facilitate discussions with foreign nationals. You could also work as a teacher teaching foreign languages in schools and higher institutions of learning. With the job, the expectation is your students will be proficient in the new language of your teaching. So from working with them one on one to examining them and creating lesson plans for them will be some of the work you will be required to do. One could also work as a forensic linguist analyzing language from emergency calls, suicide letters, threat communication as well as the police and government.

You could also become a technical writer creating and producing content. You could also work closely with graphic designers, user experience designers, software developers, and testers. Creating content to educate consumers about a product or service. The benefit of this is that you could work as a freelancer once you have gained some experience. You could work as a lexicographer helping to write compile and edit dictionaries for native speakers among others. The job here is to take note of new words being formed and look to see if their own text is accurate. To work in this area, you will have to have at least a degree in linguistics, English, and modern languages.

Linguistic being all about communication, a qualified linguist will have access to a wide variety of career choices.

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